Password Manager for Companies

Passwords are the keys to your business. The Webpass password manager gives you maximum control over the creation, storage, granting of access and their accounting, as well as password storage allows you to free up your IT specialists for other tasks. Both a boxed version is available for your servers, and a cloud version is available on Webpass servers.

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data leaks happen due to incorrect data storage or insufficient password strength

Why do I need Webpass

To overcome the risks of data leakage

To overcome the risks of data leakage during employee dismissal

Web pass blocks employee access upon dismissal, warns administrators about possible compromise of passwords and the need to change them.
distribution of passwords

Secure and correct distribution of passwords

In order to organize the secure exchange of passwords, the distribution of passwords and their transfer to employees takes place inside Webpass or by transfer of temporary access by reference.
data storage

Safety data storage in one place

Data is stored in the local browser storage exclusively in encrypted form, so even our service does not have access to these data.
protect data

To protect data

AES-256 and RSA algorithms are used for data encryption, they are used by governments of various countries.

Webpass browser extension

The extension automatically substitutes usernames and passwords, and when registering offers faster access to the password generator and automatically saves registered accounts to the service.


  • Unauthorized Access Risk Notification
    The security system monitors the confidentiality of passwords and timely reports about cases when changing of password of the account is necessary (for example, when employee lost access to the account, was retired, etc.).
  • Webpass Doesn't Have Access To Your Passwords
    Webpass does not have access to your passwords. Our service is created in such a way that any sensitive data (passwords, notes) is transmitted to the servers and is stored in the local storage of the browser exclusively in encrypted form, and this way eliminates the possibility of interaction to data both from the Webpass server and from third parties. The key to the cipher is your master password, which is never kept open during working process. Be careful! Security of this method means that in case of loss of the main and reserved master password we will not be able to restore your data.
  • Browser Extensions
    The extension automatically substitutes usernames and passwords, and when registering offers faster access to the password generator and automatically saves registered accounts to the service.
  • Change History Recording
    Webpass stores detailed info about who and when looked through, edited, opened access to accounts.
  • Setting Password Complexity
    Users like to use similar and too simple passwords. You can determine the minimum available password complexity and prohibit the use of the same password more than once.
  • Google Two-Factor Authentication
    You can provide an extra security for your Webpass account by two-factor authentication. An authorization key is being generated on the user’s smartphone by Google Authenticator app, and this key is valid during 30 seconds. Thus, even if you know the master password, the enter into the Webpass account without access to the smartphone will be impossible.
  • Protection of Webpass Account Password From Guessing
    If attackers try to hack a password for a Webpass account, the security system will monitor such attempts, will block the possibility of authorization and will instantly notify the account owner.
  • Data Import
    Import of data in CSV or Excel format is being supported.
  • AES-256 and RSA Data Encryption

    Sensitive data are encrypted using AES-256 algorithm, which is adopted by governments of different countries as the encryption standard. The key for the algorithm is being extracted by converting the master password into a cryptographic 256-bit password.

    Data transfer between users is carried out using the RSA algorithm; its mathematical functions generate two keys for the system: public and private. The public key allows you to encrypt the transmitted data so that only someone who knows the private key can decrypt this data. The private key is known only by the recipient, and this is a key feature of the asymmetric encryption method. Similarly, user's data are protected by Telegram app.

  • Management of Employees' Access to Passwords
    You may select the desired level of an employee's access to any account.
    • Minimal level: viewing without password entry. An employee sees an account in the list of accounts, but he does not have an access to password without his approved request.
    • Standart level: the user can view the account and copy its password, but cannot change it.
    • Administrator level: the user can edit and delete the account, as well as open access to another users.
    • Full access: the user can delegate administrator level of access to other users.
  • Password Security Analysis
    Password complexity determines how long it takes for an attacker to hack it. It may take tens of thousands of years for cracker to guess a secure password. The system will tell you how secure the password is.
  • Password Relevance Control
    Security rules recommend you to change passwords periodically. You can specify how often passwords are to be updated. Further, the system monitors their relevance and notifies administrators about the necessarity of password replacement.

We offer 2 types of solutions: Types of Solution

Server Webpass
Your server
Tech support
The entire period of use
1 year priority
Server Security
Webpass Engineers
Your staff
Internet access
Not required
Possibility of monthly payment
Is free
1 year of free use
Help in installing and configuring at company branches
Source code open for audit
Price for 1 user per month
from 1.3 $
from 1.7 $

Cost for the company

License term
Full price
20.4  $
Total: 20.4  $

Security is above all

Regular audit and testing by penetration
Program of reward
Program of reward for vulnerabilities found
data encryption
Strong data encryption by AES-256 и RSA 


Password Creation

Not properly

To allow employees to use familiar names, numbers, words from the dictionary and apply the same password for several accounts as these passwords are cracked very quickly by simple guessing.


To use long and complex passwords created by the password generator Webpass for each individual account.

Not properly

Trying to remember many passwords, to write it on stickers, to store in excel or browser, where anyone can access them.


To store your passwords in special service designed for storage of important and confidential data, and which uses a passphrase encryption system.

Not properly

To enter passwords at the registration windows and to insert passwords from tables or documents, becouse your employee can be sent a copy of the site in order to trick a password or to read the password from computer memory.


To use the automatic transition from the Webpass password storage service directly to the protected area of ​​the site, access to which you have indicated.

Not properly

To pass passwords by e-mail, social networks in unprotected files, using Skype, Whatsapp, Viber or other messengers, or using paper.


Webpass allows you to distribute passwords between your colleagues securely and to configure access levels for each of them individually.

Not properly

Not to conduct a systemic and periodic work with accesses, to delay the issuance or disconnection of accesses, not to understand who is responsible for the specific access.


To streamline the work with accounts and to control access to them during recruitment or leaving of employees and to see the whole story of accesses' changings to all passwords in one place.

Not properly

To use typical and old passwords known to your previous employees.


To conduct a regular security audit, checking safety of company's passwords.
